Sunday, 7 April 2013

19th Year Commemeration of the Rwanda Genocide

Yesterday marked the 19th annual commeration of the Rwanda Genocide. To mark this occassion, we would like for you to take a look at the following information surrounding the Dyhozanya Organisation which was set up by Daphrose Mukarutamu, a widow who had lost her husband and all her children in the genocide, once ceasefire was called between the RPF and extremists.

Duhozanya means to 'console one another' and is an outreach programme which has grown since 1994, starting with just 330 women but grew to 3,000 women by 2007.

Alongside other outreach and NGO programmes, this organisation focuses on supporting women, orphans and child-headed households to rebuild their lives and homes. There are many issues in Rwanda which are directly and indirectly a consequence of the Genocide, including women suffering from HIV and AIDS related illnesses as a result of rape.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Introduction to the Rwanda Genocide

The Rwanda Genocide in 1994 has been described as the "most rapid extermination campaign of the twentieth century".

Extremist Hutu's blamed the Tutsi population for the social, economical and political pressures which affected the vast majority of the Rwandan population.

The assassination of President Habyrimana on April 6th 1994 provided the catalyst for the mass murder of 800,000 men, women and children who were predominantly Tutsi's and less strict Hutus over a period of 100 days.

What happened next?


Thursday, 21 February 2013

Rwanda: The U.N.'s Humanitarian Laboratory

University of Derby Public History Conference

The Public History Conference is a series of papers delivered by the current second year BA History students at the University of Derby. The Conference is being held at the main Kedleston Road campus in Derby on the 8th May, 2013.

The conference presented by Team 13 will focus on the lack of U.N. and NGO's intervention throughout the Rwanda Genocide 1994.

To find out more information, contact us at or to book your place at the Conference, please email Dr Ian Whitehead at

Thank you.

@UNinRwanda #UNIR